Our workshops
and keynotes

Create long-lasting habits & transform your working relationships.

Applying Gretchen Rubin’s “Four Tendencies”, the amazingly simple but powerful personality profiling model, to your world of work will not only transform your understanding of what motivates you and your colleagues but will also open up a whole new toolbox for how to communicate with stakeholders and customers at every level.

During this session we’ll explore the pros and cons of each tendency and help you to identify which tendency applies to you and to those around you.  With this knowledge, you’ll be equipped to really tailor your communications and interactions with your colleagues (trust us, they will no longer ignore you!), but also to wider groups and stakeholders outside your own “tendency bubble”.

We’ll even spend some time action-planning how you will use these techniques in real life. (And the benefits very often spill out into your personal relationships too, making life better for you and those close to you!).

Who should attend?

  • Anyone at any level who is a human and works with other humans!
  • Anyone who wants to be better at creating habits for themselves.

Realise your strengths. Avoid your weaknesses. Take Action.

Take the strengths profiling quiz to find out your strengths, unrealised strengths, learned behaviours and weaknesses. Then spend 121 time with our certified strengths profiler and Productivity Ninja Matthew Brown to discover how to put your results into action.

Looking to run this for your team?

The real magic happens when we realise the strengths and weaknesses of your whole team, so if that’s something you’re interested in – get in touch!

Individual Productivity Ninja® personal training at your desk

Do you feel your workload and constant email bombardment has taken over your life?

Our Productivity Ninja® will spend a day with you at the office, to help you get your work-life back in order, regain control, clarity, space for big-picture, strategic thinking – and put you back in the driving seat.

Our human, practical, no-nonsense approach will help you in multiple areas:  email, workflow, procrastination, decision-making, prioritization, working smarter with your PA. Whatever it is that you need to feel ‘Ninja-fied’ and in control, our Productivity Consultants are here to help.

We start with a diagnostic session to help us establish what needs to change.

Then we deploy the best bits from all our workshops to assist you in implementing change right there at your desk so your new approaches and habits are put into practice and not lost in the day-to-day chaos.

Clients tell us that spending a day with a Productivity Ninja® is life-changing. The impact is immediate, and the positive repercussions are felt in their lives outside of work as well. Who can argue with that?

Sharpen those critical skills for the Leaders in the modern workplace and role model zen-like calm, making space for what matters and wellbeing for your staff.

An eye-opener and a great framework for managing the pressures of life.

Workshop Participant

Making great work happen, wherever we are.

No doubt the pandemic has disrupted a lot of our ways of working. In the middle of that disruption has been an opportunity, to experiment with the way that we work.

Now, as we gather together again, there’s another opportunity – not to go ‘back’ to our ways of working, but to reimagine new ways of working. One that perhaps combines the best of both worlds, or creates something entirely new.

Join us as we reflect on what we can learn and build on from our experiences (or survival!) of Working from Home and then inspire and equip you with Productivity Ninja® mindset, insights and practical strategies to reimagine how you work and thrive in the new hybrid workplace.

Genuinely one of the best training sessions I have attended!

Workshop Participant, DEFRA

Manage outcomes. Give Control. Build Trust.

“Working from home” has often been viewed with suspicion. But organisations like The United Nations Development Programme and indeed Think Productive have operated almost exclusively remotely for years. We’ve long seen remote working as a flexible, agile competitive advantage.

Now we’re in a world of hybrid working. So, how do you manage people you can’t see – or not all the time? What does “Office Hours” mean? When people have conflicting work and personal priorities, other stuff to do in the day, and varied, flexible remote schedules, how do you make sure that the work gets done? Is high value work even possible when we are infrequently in the same space? What role does tech play in all of this?

Delivered by one of our expert Productivity Ninjas® (all of whom work remotely), this two-hour interactive workshop looks at strategic perspectives as well as practical tools and take-aways, helping you lead a productive, agile, happy and informed hybrid team.

Relaxed, sharing of views. Friendly informal feel but with lots of very human observations which got me thinking, particularly around the culture of an organisation and how to develop/sustain that remotely.

Workshop Participant

Be the Project Manager that wows the rest!

Project Management Training is one of the key skills areas needed to be productive in the work place.

We all have to deliver high-value project outcomes.  But not all of us have a formal Project Management qualification. So, how do we achieve what we need to achieve?

By the end of this workshop, participants will have a simple, repeatable framework for delivering large and small projects on time, on budget and effectively.  Every time.

This full day workshop is designed for those new to project management, keen to learn the basics and to leave with practical tips and techniques to apply right away. It would also be very useful for those who have some experience of small projects and want to further develop their skills.

We’ll covers all key aspects of project management training enabling you to build a project from scratch.  Working on your own real-life case study, you will learn and apply the many tools and techniques involved.

This workshop deals with planning, estimating time, budgeting and costing, and risk analysis. We also explore the ‘people’ skills involved: communicating with project teams, stakeholders and project champions.

Who should attend?

  • Anybody new to Project Management
  • Anybody with just a little experience in Project Management and looking to build on their skills

I found the step-by-step training easy to follow & feel confident that I could attempt my first small project.

Workshop Participant, Crown Prosecution Service

Making meetings rare, fun and productive again

We are on a mission to change the way the world thinks about meetings. We want to break the cycle of your calendar being booked back to back. We want to create a culture where no one has to sit in a boring or unproductive meeting again.

This 3 hour facilitation training is packed with practical tips, tricks and tools to help your team make the most of any time spent in meetings. That’s for in-person, online and hybrid meetings!

We’ll spend time focusing on the cost of meetings and even question together the need for a meeting at all.

By the end of the workshop every participant will feel empowered, whatever their role, to cheekily and positively disrupt bad or outdated meetings habits.

One of the most useful meetings I've ever been to! My meetings have a clear purpose and feel more driven and results orientated.


Get email overload under control to produce your best work.

If your inbox is overloaded and email is taking over your working life, spend half a day with us and we’ll help you get it all under control. You’ll see email in a different way and learn to love it again.

Practical individual at-desk implementation, supported by your Productivity Ninja® will help you clear your inbox by the time we leave. We’ll offer you tools to help convert emails into actions as well as tips, tricks and Ninja-style email moves for your organisation’s software.

There is light at the end of the tunnel!

K.PETTS, BT - Workshop Participant

The 6 week programme for lasting clarity, control and Ninja habits

Feeling stressed, overwhelmed or overworked?

In need of some motivation, structure or clarity in your work? Want a better work-life balance? Want to learn how to deliver and execute from the UK’s leading productivity experts?

Our six week productivity programme will help you gain control, clarity, momentum… and much more!

Our expert Productivity Ninjas will guide you and a deliberately intimate group of fellow-travellers through some of the key principles from the ‘How to be a Productivity Ninja’ book.

You’ll put things immediately into practice as you go. We’ll build up a set of new habits that will give you more structure, clarity and control.

We’ll also focus on the more subtle, human elements that mess up our productivity or stress us out. Like how to overcome procrastination, how to be kinder to ourselves and how to manage what’s going on outside of work, too.

I feel more focused and relaxed and am constantly reminding myself that I am human, not superhero!

Kate Galbally, Productivity Coach & Professional Organiser


Making it stick!

We're passionate about creating real change that lasts and truly embedding new habits. That's why every workshop participant gets exclusive access to The Productivity Ninja Academy

A tablet device displays the 'Productivity Ninja Academy' website on the display

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